A Rally Cry for Ballot Access Efforts THIS WEEK…

We want to be a voice for the common good, on common ground with common sense in Nebraska! Help us turn up the volume as we proclaim the importance of these pro-#wholelife, pro-justice principles we promote:

It is these principles we are actively promoting by our efforts to get Brian Carroll on the ballot in Nebraska. Do you have access to a notary? ANY number of possible signatures? If so, please contact us at ASPNebraska@gmail.com so we can help you  join our efforts.  We have a long way to go to get 2500 valid signatures in the next week or so. Spread the word! Let’s ACTIVELY CARE to improve the political culture in our state and country. We want both major political parties to have to answer to how they are promoting these principles. But if they don’t hear us, they won’t respond. Each signature for ballot access turns up the volume. Please consider how you can help. Thank you!

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