2020 ASP Convention – Tune in THIS WEEKEND!

The American Solidarity Party National Committee Chair, Amar Patel, has published the tentative schedule for the National Convention for the ASP, which starts tomorrow!

Our fellow Nebraskan, Dr. Tyler Martin, was elected as a Midwest delegate for the Convention and will be representing us in the deliberations and in the election of the new National Committee members. We are grateful to the outgoing members of the committee who have served the mission of the ASP so generously this past year.

Subscribe to the Official American Solidarity Party YouTube Channel and tune in to Convention Events live or watch the recordings as they are posted. Exciting times in the ASP!  Your engagement makes us stronger! Please let us know how  we can address your concerns and be strengthened by your gifts and perspectives.  Be the change you want to see in America and in Nebraska!  Email us at ASPNebraska@gmail.com and join our Nebraska ASP Facebook Page to connect. Sign up for Nebraska updates here.  If you’re not an active supporter of the ASP, tell us why here, so we can better understand the values of our fellow Nebraskans.


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